The Argument

As a friend of facts and the same yardstick for all I am friend of “The Argument” when it comes to objective and not subjective matters like if something/someone is beautiful or not.

Today we see very little of arguments but a lot of slander. Instead of arguing or when the argument is lost the slandering starts calling the “opponent” e.g. a racist, xenophobe, islamophobe or anti-semite.

Before trying to put such a stamp on a person the definition has to be clear but that is almost never the case since it could be almost anything.

Mostly the persons that use these terms cannot clearly explain what they mean, not even in their own eyes.

Research studying race differences, intelligence being one factor, is no longer done resp. financed since it is considered racism.

Xenophobe you may be called if you oppose mass-immigration of people from completely different cultures or if you consider yourself as a patriot standing up for your identity and cultural heritage, wanting to preserve what made your country to what it is (recently was).

Islamophobe  you may be called when you criticize resp. tell the truth about Islam and the kind of societies that it creates.

Anti-semite you may be called if you oppose male circumcision and kosher slaughter:

“De skulle inte själva säga att de är antisemiter men samtidigt vill de förbjuda omskärelse av pojkar och import av kosherslaktat kött. Det skulle vara som att förbjuda essensen av den judiska identiteten, säger Lena Posner-Körösi.”

So you see how stupid this is, stick to “The Argument” it was the base for our civilization.


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