Corbyn’s key ally shared post telling Rotherham sex victims to ’shut mouths for diversity’


”The grooming gang scandal burst in to public consciousness with the publication of the Jay report in 2014. It described how at least 1,400 girls had fallen victim to these gangs in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham alone. As McLoughlin explains in some detail, Rotherham was a drop in the ocean. All over England (and Holland) thousands upon thousands of young girls have been raped and pimped for decades, and with absolute impunity. Furthermore, it is still going on.”

Alexis Jay’s report into the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal highlights systemic failings by the Police and Rotherham’s Children’s Services:


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1 thoughts on “Corbyn’s key ally shared post telling Rotherham sex victims to ’shut mouths for diversity’

  1. Jeremy Corbyn är en antidemokratisk radikalmarxist och en samhällets och nationens absoluta fiende, helt i klass med den islamistinfiltratör vid namn Sadiq Khan som titulerar sig Londons borgmästare.
    Skandalerna staplas på varandra – den ena vidrigare än den andra i det ockuperade rike vi en gång kände som det stolta självständiga England.

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