Westminster terror attack (an update)

”The terror suspect, a black man in his late twenties now refusing to co-operative with police, was pulled from the smoking silver Ford Fiesta by around a dozen armed officers who had their rifles trained on him.”

My remark: Interesting how the ones indirectly responsible (by importing these kind of problems) now comment on this (no honesty and no courage when is comes to addressing the underlying causes, consequently no ease or solution is to be expected as long as these politicians are not replaced ”by their opposite”):

”Prime Minister Theresa May is currently away in Switzerland on the second leg of her summer holiday but she said her thoughts were with those injured in the Westminster car crash and thanked the emergency services for their ’immediate and courageous’ response.”

”Home Secretary Sajid Javid said: ’Huge thanks to our emergency services for their rapid reaction to incident in Westminster this morning. My thoughts are with those injured.'”

”Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: ’My thoughts are with those hurt and injured outside Parliament this morning in what is being treated as a terrorist incident.”

Read more here:


3 thoughts on “Westminster terror attack (an update)

  1. Invandringen från Menaländer har försatt hela Europa i undantagstillstånd.Vi måste komma ur EU monstrets tentakler och börja ta hand om Sverige med egna lagar och regler. Vi måste få rösta bort Sverige ur EU!

  2. Svarta står för många Islam-relaterade våldsdåd och nästan alla andra. Svarta generelt har stora problem med impulskontroll. De handlar okontrollerat i stundens hetta. Det är därför många blir skjutna av poliser i USA. De handlar inte rationellt och genomtänkt.

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