The Great Replacement

”The Great Replacement is very simple. You have one people, and in the space of a generation, you have a different people. Renaud Camus”

”It appears that if nuclear war does not destroy Western Europe, race suicide will. In 1800, Europe had 20 percent of the world’s population. Today it has 9 percent. Unless the increasing demographic imbalance is radically corrected, it will have 4 percent in 2075. … Bangladesh, a miasma of poverty and ignorance, now produces more babies annually than all Western Europe.”

”Germans have been dying out for forty years and this has been covered up by counting Turks, East Europeans, and Arabs as Germans. Now, not even immigrants from the Muslim lands, Eastern Europe, and the Third World can mask the reality.

”Astonishing. Not long after World War II, West Germany boasted the world’s second largest economy. Now a united Germany is on schedule to become a retirement center, nursing home, and cemetery for the Germanic peoples, whose origins date back to before the birth of Christ.”

Read more here:


What it takes (it can all be done if the will is there):



9 thoughts on “The Great Replacement

    • Ja får säga,att hade detta skett i min omedelbara närhet,skulle i varje fall några av dem idag inte kunnat fortsätta,sin vandalism och sabotageverksamhet. Tänk vilka måltavlor dessa idioter utgjorde !

  1. Det är mindervärdigt att vi skall göda dessa muslimer i Europa, de saknar fullständigt självkontroll och i underläge så är de som vrålande småbarn som inte får sin vilja igenom.
    UT med problemen.

  2. ”Das Volk hat das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt. Wäre es da nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung löste das Volk auf und wählte ein anderes?” (Bertolt Brecht)

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