’Sensitive’ UK terror funding inquiry may never be published

Article extract: The Observer reported in January last year that the Home Office’s extremism analysis unit had been directed by Downing Street to investigate overseas funding of extremist groups in the UK, with findings to be shown to Theresa May, then home secretary, and Cameron.

However, 18 months later, the Home Office confirmed the report had not yet been completed and said it would not necessarily be published, calling the contents “very sensitive”.

A decision would be taken “after the election by the next government” about the future of the investigation, a Home Office spokesman said.

In his letter to May, Brake wrote: “As home secretary at the time, your department was one of those leading on the report. Eighteen months later, and following two horrific terrorist attacks by British-born citizens, that report still remains incomplete and unpublished.

“It is no secret that Saudi Arabia in particular provides funding to hundreds of mosques in the UK, espousing a very hardline Wahhabist interpretation of Islam. It is often in these institutions that British extremism takes root.”

The contents of the report may prove politically as well as legally sensitive. Saudi Arabia, which has been a funding source for fundamentalist Islamist preachers and mosques, was visited by May earlier this year.

The Guardian 

My remark:

When it comes to counter terror (incl. radicalization as well as planning and funding) there can be nothing ”politically sensitive” and ”legally sensitive” enough to not reveal facts and act based on these facts. Not to forget in this context is besides terror attacks like the ones in e.g. Manchester and London is how much we suffer from the daily ”imported” terror (rape, other physical abuse, arson, extortion, fraud, …).

2 thoughts on “’Sensitive’ UK terror funding inquiry may never be published

  1. Vi bör minnas att begreppen demokrati och politisk transparens endast förekommer i teorin som förskönande företeelser utan någon som helst praktisk relevans, något som även inbegriper yttrandefriheten.

    Valet av regering och premiärminister/statsminister styrs helt av den korrupta monopolkapitalistiska eliten, vilken uteslutande agerar i eget intresse. Ministärens främsta uppgift är att gå den dolda maktens ärenden och agendajournalistiken tillhandahåller lobbyism och bedriver propaganda i akt och mening att fösa den politiskt oinitierade fårskocken av väljare i det som av etablissemanget betraktas som rätt riktning.
    Handplockade och skräddarsydda Bilderbergestradörer utan genuint intresse för det folk de utger sig för att representera, men med en strebers fullfjädrade egocentricitet och karriärlystnad förmår förtränga vissa mycket obehagliga fakta, av vilka penningtransporter avsedda för terrorverksamhet nu får anses som ett av de mest spektakulära.

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