Our children and their future are at stake

The worst of all are all the children that greatly suffer and whose future is stolen.

I doubt it is any better in Sweden than in Great Britain:


”The cover up was eventually exposed, yet the grooming gangs continue to operate. One victim told a British newspaper, ”Nothing has changed, not in the slightest. It’s still the same scale as before.”

”Igler said of the grooming gangs, ”They get sexual kicks out of ruining the most precious possession that people have, their daughters.””

”Stephen Lennon warned that there will be repercussions.”

”He told us, ”There’s no blood on my hands, but there will be a lot of blood spilled in this country, and it will be on the hands of our leaders. And there will come a time when they will realize what they have done, and the country’s people will realize what they’ve done, as well. They’ve sold us out. They’ve destroyed our nation. They’ve destroyed our culture.””


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