Sweden vs. Australia vs. Switzerland – immigration etc.

Workforce immigration to Sweden has since 1973 (oil crises) been low in comparison with the asylum related immigration of Mohammedans. The consequences of this have been and are shocking.

Workforce immigration to Australia has even after 1973 been rather high. However, up to a couple of years ago also the asylum related immigration of Mohammedans has been high. It is clear that everyone that would like to see Australia become even more Islamic and/or even more Chinese (Australia has also a huge continuously growing Chinese minority) now “shoots” at the Australian Home Affairs Minister  Peter Dutton when he suggests that Australia should allow white South Africans fleeing the ongoing genocide to immigrate:


Workforce immigration to Switzerland has even after 1973 been high. However, during the last 30 years the asylum related immigration of Mohammedans (besides Sri Lankan Tamils) have been constantly growing and has in the last couple of years almost reached 50% of the high surplus in migration (immigration – emigration). Up to now the high workforce immigration has helped to hold back the Islamization but less in the later years due to the surge in Mohammedan immigration.

Politicians in Switzerland and other countries should follow the example of Peter Dutton and open up for real refugees that are also not expected to bring problems like high crime rates, pushing for Sharia or other major cultural shift and land in long term social dependency (living on welfare fully or to a great extent over years, decades or even generations).

We should all strengthen the back of politicians like the Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton.

3 thoughts on “Sweden vs. Australia vs. Switzerland – immigration etc.

  1. Helen F, tror att ändra länder ska ”hjälpa” Sverige och ta emot fler flyktingar.
    Jag har nästan daglig kontakt m Europa.Allt från svenskar som flyttat ut,
    Arbetar utomlands till ”gamla ” invandrare som flyttat hem. Samtliga skakar
    Sina huvuden. Som en italienare sa:”jag kom med tåget 1961, dagen efter
    Stod jag på jobbet. Inser ni inte vad sker. .Sagt av en person med 6års skola
    ,det vår elit inte ser

  2. Helen Fritzon erkände i Agenda i söndags att Sverige är värst i Europa på att ta emot flyktingar trots det ”hårdaste” regelverket inom EU.
    Hennes förhoppningar om att få andra till att följa den humanitära stormaktens exempel hade svalnat lite och tvångsmedel kunde också bli svårt att driva igenom.
    Sverige är inte ett exempel andra länder vill följa idag utan ett avskräckande exempel.

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