Multiculturalism Is Splintering the West

  • Multiculturalism is leading to the ”partition”, the separation of European societies. – Alexandre Mendel, author of the new book, Partition: A Chronicle of the Islamist Secession in France.
  • Under European multiculturalism, Muslim women lost many rights they should have had in Europe. Multiculturalism is, in fact, based on the legalization of a parallel sharia society, which is founded on the rejection of Western values, above all equality and freedom.
  • The European establishment closed its eyes while Muslim supremacists were violating the rights of its own people.

Read more:

Gatestone Institute – Multiculturalism Is Splintering the West

My comment:

I don’t understand why we are talking about multiculturalism at all since what we first of all are confronted with is a rapid Islamization of our ”western” countries. Islam is a mono-culture that never has or never will accept coexistence, make no mistake about that.

Since 1984 I have worked for multinational companies in multicultural environments. The very few Mohammedans that I have worked with in these very competitive environments did not mix although they all had university degrees, they all clearly showed that they didn’t want to have anything to do with us others (of various cultural backgrounds, coming from in total up to around ~100 countries up to now) outside work.



5 thoughts on “Multiculturalism Is Splintering the West

  1. It is just a matter of time until Sweden (GB, FR, BE, DE, …) will be 99-100% Muslim as so many other countries/regions in the world that earlier was 0% Muslim.
    This transition will not be smooth as we have experienced but increasingly violent.
    It seems that Sweden in the last few years has moved into the next level of Dawa (the struggle for Islamization of the Dar al Harb, the not yet muslim countries) when considering e.g. the number of shootings that has grown no longer linear as before but exponential.
    Years of steadily increasing violence are lying ahead of us and the violence will continue beyond the point of complete islamization even though the Mohammedans are promised the Dar es Salaam (House of Peace) the day all infidels (non Mohammedans) have been violently/brutally eradicated.

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