Herr Libanes alias Mahmoud Mneimneh eller Dan Roberto

INSÄNDARE. Vi har skrivit några gånger om Mahmoud Mneimneh på bloggen, han kallar sig också Dan Roberto eller det arabiskt vanliga Ali. Nåväl, Mahmoud har kommenterat under ett av inläggen som finns på länkarna nedan. 

Mahmoud Mneimneh i Barcelona år 2012, bilden lånad från hans öppna blogg.

Dear Petterssonsblog ,

There are two sides to every story . I want to take this opportunity and show you my side of the story.I first want to thank you and the one’s who took the time to comment.

The story goes like this . I came to Sweden in 2011 and I was deeply in love with my girlfriend and then wife. I didn’t meet her on a website . She is actually my cousins’ friend. When we lived together I noticed that she was over possessive and jealous in a rather twisted way. She didn’t let me learn Swedish so I don’t meet girls and obliged me to close my company because it has so much contact with girls. I was mistreated and I did a police report on that. I even have audio messages where my ex held a knife and threatened to kill and I had to hide in the room. She even locked me up in the room with no internet or electricity on several occasions. I kept the audio messages on a CD and I am willing to provide the local authorities with them when needed.

Financially , I came to Sweden and started a company straight away . I then worked in Wayne’s Coffee as a manager and after that worked in a company that is called Personal Strategerna as a Handledare. I converted from Islam to Buddhism and that’s why I changed my name to Don Roberto. You probably would ask me then why is it Mahmoud now? Well , first of all I hate my name , always did and always will . The real reason behind changing my name to Mahmoud is that I am waiting for a decision from Migrationsverket and I was afraid that the name changing would be a hinder. I am living on a very small budget and I don’t even have a TV at home. I own no car and not even a bicycle. After paying the bills I live on 900 kr per month .

Psychologically , the long wait was devastating to me and it tore me into pieces psychologically . After the trauma of a bad relationship I had to face a long long wait which lasted for years to live like a normal human being. I don’t have a passport and I am not allowed to leave Sweden because I only have an LMA card. I am gathering all my strength to contribute in the Swedish society and since it is almost impossible to find a job I thought I’d study and then teach in Universities in Sweden .

As for whether I worked as a journalist or not I think my reply proves my competence. I did work as a journalist in Lebanon in a business magazine which was called Lebanon Opportunities at the time . I have no idea if it’s still running .

In the end , I want to show my love to Sweden which I consider my home . I always share posts about Sweden that my friends think I should work for the tourism ministry in Sweden haha. Thank you all for reading this long comment but I had to reply to the false accusations.

Best Regards, Mahmoud Mneimneh

Det finns mycket mer att berätta om denne man, man ska dock aldrig glömma bort att det i Mellanösterns kultur inte ses som något omoraliskt att ljuga, däremot med att bli påkommen med att ljuga.


Svar på kommentaren ovan

Kärt barn har många namn
Politikernas flathet i migrations- och invandringsfrågan har fått som konsekvens att systemet bejakar bedrägeri och osanningar och straffar personer som är ärliga och talar sanning.
Ett av många bevis på det krackelerade systemet är en herr Mahmoud Mneimneh eller som han växelvis kallar sig i olika sammanhang, Don Roberto.
Han är sedan åtta år bosatt på en fast adress i Nyköping och vägrar lämna landet trots avvisningsbeslut som vunnit laga kraft. Istället tillåts herr Libanes att gång efter annan på nytt söka asyl och uppehållstillstånd och på så sätt dröja sig kvar i Sverige.
I en kommentar på bloggen påstår han sig vara i besittning av ett så kallat LMA-kort, vilket då skulle innebära att han har rätt att vistas i landet i väntan på att Migrationsverkets ånyo ska fatta ett beslut i hans ärende.
Man frågar sig hur många gånger en person kan söka asyl i Sverige? Tilläggas kan att det LMA-kort herr Libanes hänvisar till givetvis berättigar till lägre patientavgift inom sjukvård och tandvård.
I sin långa kommentar på bloggen önskar också herr Libanes lägga tillrätta vad som tidigare skrivits om honom. Det finns nämligen alltid två sidor av samma mynt, menar han. Enligt herr Libanes är det inte mycket, för att säga inget alls, som stämmer av vad som tidigare publicerats om honom på bloggen.
Nu är väl hans bakgrund mindre viktig. Det viktiga är att han utretts av Migrationsverket och nekats uppehållstillstånd och således befunnit och befinner sig illegalt i Sverige sedan många år.
Låt oss ändå titta på några enstaka påståenden i herr Libanes bloggkommentar: han säger sig leva under små förhållanden i Sverige vilket motsägs av att genast vid ankomsten till Sverige startade ett aktiebolag, Swedgull AB, där det krävs ett aktiekapital på 50 000 kronor.
Någon egentlig verksamhet har aldrig förekommit i bolaget. Vid ankomsten till Sverige gav sig vidare herr Libanes och hans dåvarande fru omedelbart iväg på en längre semesterturné i Europas mest turisttäta storstäder vilket knappast tyder på en alltför ansträngd ekonomi.
Han uppger även att han under sina åtta år i Nyköping haft två jobb, vilket ska tolkas som tillfälliga jobb. Märkligt nog hävdar han på sitt cv att han varit anställd som chef för engelska avdelningen på Oppebyskolan, den meriten tar han dock inte upp i sin bloggkommentar.
Det är för övrigt ett imponerande cv herr Libanes kan visa upp från tiden innan han kom till Sverige 2011. Tyvärr haltar det rejält på vissa punkter: han hävdar bland annat  i en artikel i SN och i sin bloggkommentar att han tidigare arbetat som journalist i hemlandet Libanon, av detta syns dock inte ett spår i det annars så fina cv han totat ihop. Den publikation han ska har varit anställd på har lämpligt nog försvunnit från  marknaden.
Beträffande det personliga menar Mahmoud Mneimneh/Don Roberto på fullaste allvar i sin bloggkommentar att han hotats och misshandlats av sin svenska exfru och i perioder hållits inlåst i parets lägenhet. Och att han också uppmärksammat polisen på sin svåra belägenhet. Med tanke på ett herr Libanes tycks ha ett lättsinnigt förhållande till sanningen får väl var och en av läsarna tolka den historien efter eget omdöme.
Här är en sida av herr Libanes rundresa i Europa, nyligen ankommen till Sverige och i små omständigheter.
Herr Libanes CV är också imponerade, där står bland annat att han talar arabiska, engelska och svenska på expertnivå.
Ändå väljer herrn att skriva engelska på en svensk blogg.

13 thoughts on “Herr Libanes alias Mahmoud Mneimneh eller Dan Roberto

  1. grebom5 – Sweden – Retired male with more than 25 years experience of overseas work, mostly in Africa and Asia but also Europe. Convinced that Islam is a dangerous religion present in our time but still using medieval ways of practising their religion.
    gamgubben skriver:

    Han har naturligtvis en framtid i Libanon och vi bör låta honom få resa dit genast, senast nästa torsdag.

  2. Kära Petterssonblog och Petterssonblog följare!

    Här kommer artikeln som jag skrev i Libanon.

    Tack och hej.

    The United States economy, the largest financial market in the world, is on the verge of a major downfall, big companies and banks are declaring their bankruptcy. This will lead to a total collapse in the whole global economy. Investors are now on a quest, searching for a safe haven and what better choice than the growing and undervalued real estate sector. The forecast for 2009 is a world wide boom in the real estate sector.
    The real estate sector is becoming more and more appealing for the capitals which fled the fluctuating stock markets. After the unexpected and rather rapid boom in the Arab countries especially Jordan, would Lebanon be next? The prices of row lands, commercial and residential units doubled if not tripled in the past months. In this article we will spot a light on an area in Beirut called Ras Al Nabaa.
    Right after the positive shock which was triggered by the presidential elections, Lebanon was and still is surrounded by a very optimistic atmosphere. This resulted in a recovery in Beirut Stock Exchange and the real estate sector. The prices sky rocketed after the political storm subsided leaving behind construction instead of destruction. It is exactly the kind of aftermath that Lebanon has been awaiting for a long time.

    Ras Al Nabaa in the
    heart of Beirut

    Ras al Nabaa is in the heart of the city, the heart of Beirut, it principally consists of two blocks divided by a very vital highway which leads directly to Downtown. The highway makes commuting quite easy from and to Ras Al Nabaa. It’s a ten minutes walk away from Downtown and Ein Al Mraysi . Parallel to it is Sodeco ,Damascus Road and Ashrafieh. Night life is just around the corner in Monot street and Gemayzi , there were all the nightclubs and cafes are scattered all over. Ras Al Nabaa got its name from having an abundance of water. The Arabic translation is : The tip of the spring. Water was found on a very shallow depth. Geographically speaking , Ras Al Nabaa is more like a valley when compared with the two high areas of Bourj Abi Haidar and Talet el Khayat. This area was the boarder between once called East and West Beirut.

    From destruction to
    Rising from the ruins and mending away its wounds. The too risky, too dangerous area once inhabited by snipers and guerrillas had almost no demand at all. The on going price for a single square meter was almost nothing .The missile and rocket planting is currently being replaced by newly erected buildings or buildings under construction. All the old buildings are being bought out and brought down to be replaced by relatively expensive apartments. Mr. Mazen Abu Daher, Branch Manager of Byblos Bank Ras Al Nabaa, said that the prices are now overestimated and even exaggerated especially in the last few months . The applicants for a housing loans in the area are few , he added , and the buyers are businessmen or foreigners. According to Mr. Mazen the applicant should have a salary in the range of $7000 where the monthly installment is between $2000 and $2500. The single square meter jumped from almost nothing to $1000 after the construction of Solider and now is ranging between $2500 and $3500. Mr. Mazen summarized saying that the developers and the project owners in the area are not keen on selling with the current prices because they are expecting the inflationary trend to continue. The Mayor’s office of Mr. Issam Al Kayssi believes that the demand is strong and might get stronger. Among the finished and under construction buildings are Rana Building developed by Mr. Riad Chehab, Al Rayan Building developed by Mr. Wafiq Sabra and Co, Royal Garden , Pine View and the luxurious Koronfol Homes. The single unit apartment is in the range of half a million dollars.
    Glayini Real Estate office said that there is a scarce of lands, the demand is high and there is not enough lands to meet the demand. Developers are paying $4000 per square meter as for the commercial it is in the range of $5500. Mr. Ahmed Sobra ,who lived all his life in Ras Al Nabaa and is an owner of commercial and residential units in the area , is astonished by the high prices . Mr. Sobra , told us that less than two decades ago he was reluctant to buy a two thousand square meter land for $25000 . It’s an opportunity missed , he added in remorse , this same land is now worth a million dollars.

    This chart shows the price of 1 Sq/m from year 2006

    Tenants out … Buyers in…Change in Demography
    Only few tenants are left in Ras Al Nabaa, people who lived all their life , grew up and played on the streets of this beautiful lively area now have to leave. Those are leaving behind all the innocent childhood memories, they have to leave because the owners are selling or erecting brand new buildings. Mr. Ossama Shekri , a senior employee in Beirut and Gulf Bank , explained that the owner wanted him out and with the little money given to him he went looking for a unit in Aramoun and Bshamoun. Mr. Ossama said that the money he got as compensation can not afford a quarter of a unit in Ras Al Nabaa so he had to look outside Beirut. Mr. Fehmi Al Sabban is also another tenant who has to leave the neighborhood where he lived 31 years in. Mr. Fehmi expressed his anger and agony for leaving Beirut and going also to Aramoun to buy or rent a unit there . This migration from Beirut will definitely change the demography , it is a change in the statistical study of human populations especially with distribution of old and new residents in Beirut. Ras Al Nabaa is having a major facelift not only on the construction level but also on the population level. It is sad in a way but there’s no flower without thorns. All this transformation is making it a necessity for a new residential law to occur which takes into consideration the boom that is taking place in Beirut.

    To buy or not to buy in Beirut

    Is buying in Beirut the right choice? Is it a bubble that might burst or a trend? Buying in Beirut is the right choice if the political situation stays stable , you should take into consideration the security of the country which is crucial when taking the decision of buying a unit or land in Beirut. However, any disturbance or tension on the threatening to burst political level would hurt the sector. In case the gloomy expectations and predications of an open Israeli war on Lebanon came true then the present value would surely depreciate. Beirut is always the first affected by any turbulence in the country thus making the investment outside Beirut relatively safer.
    If all the tension in Lebanon and the region is put aside then our fellow Arabs from the Gulf area will invest more in Lebanon. The real estate sector would probably be the major beneficiary out of this hoped for stability. The Arabs have always been fond of Lebanon because of its climate , enchanting nature, and free culture. The demand is also rising in the mountain area where Arabs are building their own villas to flee the burning hot summers in the Gulf. Because of that the prices are expected to rise even more especially with the high global inflation rate. This makes buying in Beirut or Lebanon in general very attractive for investors who are looking for a long term investment.
    Lebanon goes global
    Lebanon’s real estate is among the cheapest in the world. Eyes are set on Lebanon as being the opportunity that has a lot of potential to grow in the Middle East region. Arabs from the GCC are comparing the prices in their countries and the prices in Lebanon when doing that they find that the prices are low. The real estate sector in Lebanon is undervalued and the circulating bulky Arab capitals in the economic cycle have no more confidence in the global markets. Circulating capitals are heading more and more towards real estate in the era of economical crisis. As for Lebanese , it seems that the tendency of owning a land, shop , or apartment in their own country is endless. It is every Lebanese dream ,no matter where they are in the world, no matter how rich or poor they are, to be owners in their country. This is translated in the ever growing demand. The Lebanese community outside Lebanon builds a career wherever they are but the nostalgia for Lebanon is always there. Those people save money in the hope to go back someday to their sweet home, to their unprecedented Lebanon to settle down for good. The passion of the Lebanese for their country is the only certain thing making the real estate sector appealing.

    • Behöver du hjälp med kostnaden för en enkel flygbiljett hem till Beirut,så skriv ner några rader. Vi gamla besökare på bloggen,avstår gärna några kronor åt dig,med tanke på dina avslutande rader ovan ! Vi ursvenskar har ett hjärta av guld,för er stackars fördrivna araber ! Som du redan väl känner till.

  3. Förbålt roande diskbänksrealism, vilken synbarligen lånat och inverterat den emotivt impregnerade och känsloladdade intrigen från någon bevågen agendajournalists fullmatade arkiv av gråtmilda socialreportage, vars huvudsakliga syfte är att vädja till läsarens disposition för offermentalitet och erinra om de asylsökandes sårbarhet i vårt skoningslösa samhälle.
    Andreas 🙂

    • Hahahaha …..diskbänkrealism…
      Din text satt ..som vanligt…vilken fröjd att läsa de..
      Hur kan man tro att en så framåtmarschman hålls fången av sin fru?

      • Hehe!
        Mycket trevligt att notera Din kamratliga uppsluppenhet med anledning av mina blygsamt komponerade rader, kära
        Ama Tona!
        Heder och tack 🙂

  4. Herr Libanes påstår sig ha konverterat från islam till buddismen och då bytt namn till Don Roberto.
    Namnet låter snarare som en konvertering till katolicismen.

    Har jag tittat för mycket på Don Corleone nu?

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