What is happening in South Africa?

The video is a bit long but very interesting, a real eye opener (what is said seems accurate, from my own earlier research and input from former work colleagues that were from South Africa or former Rhodesia) :

My remarks:

Apartheid ended in South Africa in 1994 after a 4 year transition period.

However, a new Apartheid has arised, one with even much further reaching discrimination (this time against the whites). Though that is not the worst but the mass killing of whites in the later years.

Why is the world especially the west so quiet about this, that soon can reach genocide dimensions?

P.S. There have been several articles written about this in Nya Tider. Articles mainly based on interviews done with people in South Africa.



16 thoughts on “What is happening in South Africa?

  1. Rån och mord tillhör vardagen i Sydafrika. Att ha en laddad revolver i handskfacket på bilen likaså.
    Speciella trafikregler för kvinnor finns, de behöver t.ex. inte stanna sin bil vid rödljus kvällar och nätter.
    Gulligull-bilderna med svarta och vita tillsammans stämmer dåligt med verkligheten, de vita befinner sig i konstant hot.
    Trädgårdar har höga staket och larm.

    Jag arbetade tillsammans med en kvinna från Sydafrika, som berättade om vardagen där.

    Kanske en smula udda, men vi i Sverige är på god väg dit vi också…

    • Vi borde hellre ha tagit och ta emot dessa verkligt svårt förfölja p.g.a. sin ras/etnicitet. Hade vi gjort det hade vi inte ha importerat dessa 3 problem: 1. mycket kraftig överrepresentation i bidragstagande. 2. maycket kraftig överrepresentation när det gäller brottslighet 3. ingen strävan efter Sharia (slut på fred och frihet inte minst yttrandefriheten; olikhet inför lagan – slut på varje typ av jämlikhet).

  2. https://ustr.gov/countries-regions/africa/southern-africa/south-africa

    The guy has large problem. USA never supported Whites in South Africa after M.L. King and Afro-American uprising with whom started uprising Blacks in White lead African countries. Is Zuma communist? Was Mendela communist? Are communists Blacks who rape and beat native Swedes? You never ever were beaten or raped by a communist.
    You post over and over about crimes of poor unorganize minorites whom Swedish SIDA helped and help and mostly either brought to Sweden or atracted to come by promissing: equality, democracy and large benefits to large familes with children. Communist is never atracted by such things. They want work, personal development, taking part in society.

    • Black Consciousness Movement
      [Black Consciousness’] origins were deeply rooted in Christianity. In 1966, the Anglican Church under the incumbent, Archbishop Robert Selby Taylor, convened a meeting which later on led to the foundation of the University Christian Movement (UCM). This was to become the vehicle for Black Consciousness

      see in Wikipedia for start later begin read books iff you want know more.


      Founded in 1953, the American Committee on Africa (ACOA) was dedicated to supporting African liberation struggles and informing the American public about African issues. As one of the first national organizations dedicated to anti-colonial struggles in Africa, the organization played host to countless African leaders in the United States. Martin Luther King served on the national committee from 1957 until his death.

    • To ”I have a dream”
      You give this link:
      , that holds some trade statistics, that’s it.
      However, it has no relation to what you are writing about South Africa.

      You are also writing the following:
      ”You post over and over about crimes of poor unorganize minorites whom Swedish SIDA helped and help and mostly either brought to Sweden or atracted to come by promissing: equality, democracy and large benefits to large familes with children. Communist is never atracted by such things. They want work, personal development, taking part in society.”
      When was the blacks a minority in South Africa?
      There is no equality in South Africa today, even much less as during Apatheid: Did you see/hear the video? Did you crosscheck with other reliable sources? 70’000 whites killed by blacks for no reason during 20 years! How many blacks were killed by whites for no reason by whites, a handfull.
      Communist don’t want personal development, communism is not for individuality.
      Communism is not for democracy and equality but the opposite. You agree or you are out/killed (Gulag etc).
      In Romania under Ceaușescu, for each extra child you got a cow if you lived on the country side, if you lived in a town a flat with one more room. Big families were promoted in other words.

  3. Så all hjälp och bistånd sedan 1940-talet har resulterat i svartas förföljelse och mördande av vita för att de är vita.

    • ”We’ll know our desinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
      William Casey CIA Director (1981)

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