Europe: ”Big Business” Colludes with Islamism

  • For ”Big Business,” the more things that are declared ”forbidden” in the name of Islam, the more products declared ”permitted” must be produced for ”good Muslims” to buy.
  • In the 1970s, Iran and Saudi Arabia, which were engaged in a competition to spread their vision of Islam worldwide, found help from multinationals such as Nestlé, which had in mind the creation of the large global halal food market.
  • The next stage is that if most Muslims consider a veil and halal food an Islamic obligation, they will soon ask for sharia law and Islamic courts — as in Great Britain.

    Gatestone Institute: ”big-business-halal”


2 thoughts on “Europe: ”Big Business” Colludes with Islamism

  1. Som varande ”konsument” så skulle jag vilja att det i varje affär finns en skylt med olika ”märken”, alltså vad de klart och tydligt betyder !!!
    Ska framföra det till mina lokala butiker och se vad svaret blir !!!
    Kommer med svar när jag gjort min vända i affärerna……..

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