Mordlystna Muhammedaners ”framgångar” i December 2018



Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2019.01.02 Afghanistan Maiwand 5 2 Religious radicals tunnel into a local barracks and kill five soldiers.
2019.01.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A toddler dies from horrific injuries suffered during a Taliban roadside attack.
2019.01.01 Burkina Faso Yirgou 6 0 A half-dozen villagers are massacred by Jihadists on motorbikes.
2019.01.01 Afghanistan Chemtal 6 7 Sunni fundamentalists attack a police post, killing six officers.
2019.01.01 India Pulwama 1 0 A police officer is assassinated at his home by Islamic ’separatists’.
2019.01.01 Pakistan Loralai 4 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a security camp, killing four members.
2018.12.31 Somalia Wabari 1 0 A man is shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2018.12.31 Philippines Cotabato City 2 30 Two people are killed when a Muslim groups sets off a bomb at a shopping mall.
2018.12.31 England Manchester 0 3 A man shouts praises to Allah as he stabs bystanders at a rail station.
2018.12.31 Pakistan Sharana 2 5 Terrorists kill two passersby with a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2018.12.31 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 21 25 The Taliban successfully kill fifteen Afghans in two attacks.
2018.12.31 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 Islamic extremists assassinate a moderate Sufi cleric by spraying his car with bullets.
2018.12.31 Iraq Diyala 7 0 ISIS snipers pick off seven Iraqis over an extended period.
2018.12.31 Afghanistan Sayad 7 8 A Taliban attack leaves seven dead.
2018.12.30 Indonesia Salubose 1 0 Ali Kalora Islamists are thought responsible for a beheading.
2018.12.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Muslim group is thought to be behind the assassination of a local official.
2018.12.30 Nigeria Dorong 2 0 A woman is among two villagers cut down by Miyetti Allah.
2018.12.30 Nigeria Nding 5 0 Fulani terrorists are suspected of an attack on a group returning from a church event.
2018.12.29 Iraq Wajihiya 1 0 A woman is abducted and tortured to death by suspected militants.
2018.12.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Muslim ’insurgents.’
2018.12.29 Syria Suwaidiyah 1 1 An ISIS booby-trap claims a civilian.
2018.12.29 Afghanistan Ganji 6 1 The lives of four women and two children are cut tragically short by religious extremists.
2018.12.29 Pakistan Dera-Allah Yar 2 0 Consenting adults are shot to death by the woman’s brother-in-law.
2018.12.29 Somalia Gofgadud Burey 8 0 Heavily-armed Islamic militants kill eight local soldiers in an attack on their base.
2018.12.28 Pakistan Jarobi Dara 2 1 Two members of a bomb disposal unit succumb to Taliban shrapnel.
2018.12.28 Syria Deir Ezzor 9 5 Nine members of a civilian defense militia are attacked and killed by Islamic State operatives.
2018.12.28 Iraq Halwan Bridge 2 0 Two local cops are murdered by the Islamic State.
2018.12.28 Pakistan Peshawar 4 0 Four members of a family are ’honor-killed’ on orders of a village council.
2018.12.28 Egypt Cairo 4 11 Fundamentalists bomb a bus, murdering three tourists and their driver.
2018.12.28 Iraq Dowr 2 0 Two innocents are kidnapped and murdered by Mujahideen.
2018.12.27 Iraq Hazar 2 5 Two Iraqis are laid out by Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2018.12.27 Syria Ajaj 1 0 ISIS shrapnel sends a civilian to Allah.
2018.12.27 Burkina Faso Toéni 10 3 A Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wa al-Muslimin ambush leaves ten dead.
2018.12.27 Iraq Ghazlani 3 0 Three local cops are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants.
2018.12.26 Nigeria Rawuru 5 2 Muslim militants a group celebrating Christmas, killing five.
2018.12.26 Nigeria Baga 10 0 Ten people lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack at a fishing town.
2018.12.26 Kenya Mandera 2 4 Two Kenyans are aerated by Sunni shrapnel.
2018.12.25 Somalia Baidao 2 13 Islamists target a celebration with a bomb, killing two youth.
2018.12.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 A half dozen people in a wealthy neighborhood are cut to pieces by a suicide bomber disguised as a beggar.
2018.12.25 Nigeria Bolakia 4 20 Four villagers are sent to Allah by Boko Haram.
2018.12.25 Afghanistan Aino Mina 2 3 A Fedayeen suicide attack leaves two others dead.
2018.12.25 Libya Tripoli 3 21 A suicide bomber takes out three unfortunates.
2018.12.24 Iraq Tal Afar 3 12 Three bystanders at a Shiite market are put down by a suicide car bomber.
2018.12.24 Afghanistan Kabul 43 25 A suicide assault on a government building serving disabled persons leaves thirty dead.
2018.12.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A policeman is abducted and tortured to death by Islamic militants.
2018.12.24 Nigeria Kukareta 15 0 Fifteen security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram terrorists.
2018.12.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 5 One person is left dead after a Muslim bombing and shooting attack.
2018.12.24 Nigeria Gwol 5 0 Fundamentalists are suspected of shooting five people at a hotel selling alcohol.
2018.12.23 Nigeria Sulima Kalama 2 0 Boko Haram burn homes and kill two villagers.
2018.12.23 Afghanistan Chartoot 3 4 Three local cops are ambushed and murdered by a group fighting for Sharia.
2018.12.23 Somalia Bosaso 2 2 An al-Qaeda-linked bomb attack claims two souls.
2018.12.23 Afghanistan Nawa 3 2 Children are among the casualties of a Sunni bomb blast.
2018.12.23 Afghanistan Deh Yak 7 0 Seven women and children are sent to Allah by fundamentalist bombers.
2018.12.22 Somalia Mogadishu 22 30 At least twenty bystanders are reduced to rubble by a suicide bomber.
2018.12.22 Burkina Faso Kompienbiga 4 3 An Islamist roadside bomb claims four lives.
2018.12.22 Syria Idlib 1 1 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham fire on a bus, killing a civilian.
2018.12.22 DRC Beni 5 8 ADF Islamists shoot up a village, killing five residents.
2018.12.21 Myanmar Maungtaw 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Muslim ”rebels.”
2018.12.21 Pakistan Lotar 4 0 Two couples are shot to death by the women’s cousins for alleged sexual relations.
2018.12.21 Nigeria Tse- Dzungwe 4 0 Four farmers are massacred by Miyetti Allah.
2018.12.21 Yemen Shahr 1 20 A child dies from splinter injuries from a grenade hurled by al-Qaeda members.
2018.12.21 Somalia Yarkut 24 0 At least two-dozen Ethiopians are blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2018.12.20 Myanmar Ohn Chaung 2 0 Two Buddhist fishermen are found with their throats slit.
2018.12.20 Yemen Mahfid 2 1 Jihadis set off a bomb near a market, killing two patrons.
2018.12.20 Burkina Faso Oudalan 3 2 Muslim terrorists shoot three villagers to death.
2018.12.20 Yemen Mahfad 2 1 A suspected al-Qaeda bombing leaves two dead.
2018.12.19 Mali D’Abanguilou 6 0 Six civilians are murdered by the Islamic State.
2018.12.19 Mali Boni 6 6 Four women and a baby are among six killed in a landmine attack by ’radicalized’ Muslims.
2018.12.19 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 2 0 Two local cops are killed in a senseless attack by the Taliban.
2018.12.19 Syria Qaryatayn 1 0 A civilian loses his life to an ISIS booby-trap.
2018.12.18 Iraq Obour 3 0 Three civilians are abducted and slaughtered by Islamic extremists.
2018.12.18 Syria Azaz 1 0 A suicide bomber takes a civilian with him.
2018.12.17 Nigeria Mairari 1 1 A Jihadist shooting attack leaves one other person dead.
2018.12.17 Egypt Rafah 2 6 A bomb planted by fundamentalists kills two cops.
2018.12.17 Morocco Imlil 2 0 Two female backpackers, Danish and Norwegian, are beheaded by Muslim militants.
2018.12.16 Myanmar Thit Taw 1 0 A 13-year-old Buddhist girl’s throat is slit by Rohingya terrorists.
2018.12.16 Nigeria Gwandara 15 24 Miyetti Allah members fire into a village, putting down fifteen innocents.
2018.12.16 Iraq Basra 2 1 Two children are taken apart by an Islamic bomb blast.
2018.12.16 Syria Bustan 2 0 Sunni bombers pick off two civilians outside a small village.
2018.12.16 Nigeria Gudumbali 12 12 A dozen local security personnel are laid out by Muslim terrorists.
2018.12.16 Afghanistan Shorabak 16 5 A group fighting for Sharia attacks a local police post, killing sixteen.
2018.12.15 Nigeria Logomani 2 1 A Boko Haram roadside bomb claims two lives.
2018.12.15 Afghanistan Gardez 3 4 Two children and a woman are disassembled by a rocket blamed on the Taliban.
2018.12.15 Iraq Ramadi 3 0 ISIS operatives hit a police patrol with an IED, killing three members.
2018.12.14 Niger Garin Gawai 3 3 Three civilians are pulled from their cars and riddled with bullets by Jihadists.
2018.12.14 Tunisia Kasserine 1 0 Jund al-Khilafah gun down a man inside his own home.
2018.12.14 Afghanistan Sancharak 1 0 One person is shot to death by the Taliban.
2018.12.14 Syria Ibtaa 1 0 A terrorist IED takes down a civilian.
2018.12.14 Afghanistan Balkh 4 9 Fundamentalists are suspected of firing on a funeral, killing four.
2018.12.13 Israel Ofra 2 2 Two Israelis are killed, two seriously wounded, by a Palestinian gunman on a highway.
2018.12.13 Syria Afrin 3 4 A suicide bomber purges three civilians.
2018.12.13 Syria Sheikh Hilal 2 0 Two civilians are shredded by an ISIS booby-trap.
2018.12.12 Syria Albu Kamal 100 0 Women are among over one-hundred victims of Islamic State torture found in a mass grave.
2018.12.12 Syria Aleppo 4 32 Four civilians are killed in two suicide car bombings.
2018.12.12 Somalia Baraawe 3 0 Three captives are executed by an Islamic group.
2018.12.12 Egypt Minya 2 0 A Coptic father and son are shot to death by a Muslim guard at a church site.
2018.12.11 Iraq Youssef Bek 2 2 Two Iraqis are sent to Allah by Islamic bombers.
2018.12.11 India Awahatoo 1 0 The body of a civilian is recovered following his abduction and torture by Sunni militants.
2018.12.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 11 Ten others are left dead after a Taliban attack on a local checkpoint.
2018.12.11 Afghanistan Kabul 8 0 Two women and a child are among eight taken apart by a suicide bomber.
2018.12.11 Mali Menaka 42 0 Young children are among Tuaregs massacred by Jihadis on motorcycles.
2018.12.11 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 12 31 A dozen passengers on a bus have their tickets punched by a suicide bomber.
2018.12.11 India Zainpora 4 0 Muslim terrorists target and kill four local cops.
2018.12.11 France Strasbourg 5 10 A gunman praises Allah as he fires into a Christmas market, killing five innocents.
2018.12.10 DRC Oicha 10 0 Ten innocents are slain during an Islamic raid.
2018.12.10 Libya Fug’ha 6 0 Six hostages are executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2018.12.10 Afghanistan Zaman Abad 6 10 A half-dozen people lose their lives during a Taliban attack on a police station.
2018.12.09 Somalia Garabaley 3 2 Three Somalis are cut down by al-Shabaab bombers.
2018.12.09 Israel Samaria 1 6 A pregnant woman is among the casualties of a Palestinian shooting. Her baby dies after delivery.
2018.12.09 Afghanistan Farah 8 9 A Taliban attack leaves eight others dead.
2018.12.08 Afghanistan Guzra 3 0 Radicals take out three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2018.12.08 Syria Ziyadiya 1 4 A suicide bomber lays out a civilian.
2018.12.08 Syria Jarba 1 2 A child is modularized by Sunni shrapnel.
2018.12.08 Nigeria Gulumba 2 2 Two Nigerians are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2018.12.08 Iraq Zilajiha 200 0 Two-hundred victims of the Islamic State are discovered in a mass grave.
2018.12.07 Nigeria Jakana 2 5 A Boko Haram attack claims two lives.
2018.12.07 DRC Paida 5 0 ADF members murder five villagers.
2018.12.06 Mali Diafarabe 5 0 Two children are among five innocents slain by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2018.12.06 Burkina Faso Kiembara 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down in cold blood by Muslim ’rebels’.
2018.12.06 Afghanistan Shindand 14 31 A surprise Taliban attack leaves fourteen Afghans dead.
2018.12.06 Nigeria Rann 5 24 Five women are put down by Boko Haram.
2018.12.06 Philippines Baguio 1 0 An imam who denounced extremism is assassinated at a market by suspected extremists.
2018.12.06 Iran Chabahar 2 35 At least two others are laid out by suicide bombers outside a police headquarters.
2018.12.06 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 An al-Shabaab roadside blast kills seven Somalis.
2018.12.06 Mali Bankass 1 0 A police officer is killed by Jihadis.
2018.12.06 DRC Mangolikene 12 0 A dozen villagers are dragged into the woods and shot by ADF Islamists.
2018.12.05 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An ISIS booby trap claims a civilian.
2018.12.05 France Paris 1 0 An Irish professor is stabbed to death by a student who accused him of ’insulting Islam’.
2018.12.04 Syria Jadraya 1 0 A civilian bystander is killed during a clash between two rival Islamist groups.
2018.12.04 Afghanistan Herat 3 0 Three civilians succumb to injuries from a Taliban attack.
2018.12.04 CAR Ippy 0 3 Children are among the casualties when Muslim militants fire into a church-run refugee camp.

1 thoughts on “Mordlystna Muhammedaners ”framgångar” i December 2018

  1. det ser ut att vara viktigare medd dessa terrorister , bara här i sverige finns där väl en hel del som lever på staten.
    Mindre viktigt är det med svensk födda fattigpensionärer

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