14 thoughts on “Varför förstår PK inte det självklara?

  1. Här ett bra grekiskt ordspråk som PK-Sverige med tillhörande artister, behöver ta till sig, snarast. Håll till godo, ”fasadmänniskor”.

    ”De som inte intresserar sig för politiken, låter sig styras av dårar.”


  2. Här ifrån historian – som man ju ska ”lära sig ifrån” om man inte vill ”upprepa samma misstag”:

    Verses 5:45-48 of the Quran affirm the Old Testament rule of “an eye for an eye,” but also add the Christian principle that forgiveness is more noble than retaliation. If ever there was proof that these words do not necessarily apply to the treatment of non-Muslims, however, it is in Muhammad’s conduct toward the Jews in general and the Qurayza tribe in particular.

    Muhammad and his band of immigrants arrived in Medina in 622 completely dependent on the hospitality of the three Jewish tribes that lived there alongside the Arabs. In less than two years, two of the tribes that had welcomed him, the Banu Qaynuqa and the Banu Nadir would be evicted, losing their land and their wealth to the Muslims as soon as their guests gained the power to conquer and confiscate. Muhammad accomplished this by deftly exploiting his opponents divisions.

    The prophet of Islam chose the order of the doomed tribes carefully. He knew that the other two tribes would not come to the assistance of the first, for example, since they had been aligned against one another in a recent conflict. He also knew that the third would not assist the second – due to a dispute over ”blood money.”

    The last tribe to remain was the Banu Qurayza. Like the others, the Qurayza were a peaceful community of farmers and tradesmen who eventually surrendered to Muhammad without a fight. Although the prophet of Islam had been wise enough not to order the wholesale slaughter of the first two tribes following their defeat (which certainly would have stiffened the resistance of the Qurayza), there was no practical reason for Muhammad to repress his genocidal urges once the last tribe had surrendered their wealth and power.

    Over 800 surrendered men and boys (and at least one woman) from the Qurayza tribe were beheaded by the prophet of Islam in a bloodbath that is of acute embarrassment to today’s Muslim apologists. It is an episode that is not only completely at odds with the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion, but also the claim that it is the heir to Christianity, since even that religion’s most dedicated critics could hardly imagine Jesus and his disciples doing such a thing.

  3. Många av företrädarna förstår visst vad de håller på med, men ljuger. Somliga kan med rätta ana ha klent förstånd.

    Måna Muslim, som kommer att stå i främsta ledet att hängas för förräderi uttrycker sig så här om hur vi ska störtas i fördärvet:


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