What media tells us and the reality

Today there is a world of difference between what media tells us and the reality. However, the leftists propaganda has dominated the press at least since the Vietnam war.

Just to give an example that many of us remembers:


”Perhaps one of the most iconic images to come out of the Vietnam War this photo depicts a uniformed South Vietnamese officer shooting a prisoner in the head. When you look into it, however, there is much more to this photograph than first meets the eye. There is an undeniable brutality to this photo, but even Eddie Adams – who won a Pulitzer Prize for capturing this shot – later admitted that it didn’t tell the whole story and he stated that he wished he hadn’t taken it at all.”

”Looking at this image out of context, it appears as though an officer is gunning down an innocent prisoner, perhaps even a civilian. You are apparently witnessing a savage war crime. That is the reason this image was adopted by anti-war protesters as an indictment against the Vietnam War. Without understanding the background, there is no reason to think that is not the case. It seems like yet another image showing someone acting horrifically and immorally during war time. But, when you learn the story behind the man who is being executed in this photo, the image and the reasoning behind the execution becomes a little bit clearer.”

”According to accounts at the time, when South Vietnamese officers captured Lem, he was more or less caught in the act, at the site of a mass grave. This grave contained the bodies of no less than seven South Vietnamese police officers, as well as their families, around 34 bound and shot bodies in total. Eddie Adams, the photojournalist who took the shot, backs up this story. Lem’s widow also confirmed that her husband was a member of the National Liberation Front (Viet Cong), and that he disappeared before the beginning of the Tet Offensive.”

My comment:

The leftist propaganda machine is very efficient in either putting the lid on complete, report only fragments or tell lies about a story (something that has happened).

Another strategy is of course to focus on minor leaving out major things, like the #metoo campaign is a perfect example of, as well as justifying something very bad with something else that is/was bad (even if less severe and not seldom lying way back in his history).




3 thoughts on “What media tells us and the reality

  1. Nu vill regeringen ytterligare begränsa i den svenska grundlagen angående yttrandefriheten nu vill man förbjuda sajter som bland annat hänger ut brottslingar !
    Ännu ett steg mot diktatur men vad annat att vänta av de kriminellas paradis på jorden, hoppas att 7 klöverns trygga 87:a är nöjd.

  2. Ja, det är ju detsamma här i Sverige.

    Bilder som inte hör till artikeln används i syfte att vinkla åt ”rätt håll”.

    Rubriker skriker ”högerextrema”, men det är vänstern som är våldsammast.

    Tidningen skrev ”Ali hjälte på Ölandsbron”, men att det var en ”berikare” som var orsaken till dramat, berättas inte. Denne ”fina unga man” grep tag i bussratten för att försöka få bussen att köra av Ölandsbron, han fick 3.000 kr i böter.
    Lite senare dömdes han för misshandel, våldtäkt, knarkbrott. Samma sak för hans bror.
    Men, tidningen skrev inte vad han hette. Enda gången det var ”relevant” var att nån Ali var inblandad när de övermannade BussMohammed. De övriga nämndes inte ens. Bara Ali.

    Media citerar diverse B-kändisar när de påstår att ”Sverige har aldrig varit tryggare”, men ifrågasätter aldrig vad som sägs, än mindre frågar efter källor som påståendet är grundat på.

  3. When it comes to the media ”lies” they are to be split up in real lies and incorrectnesses.
    In the cases when the pressure on a mainstream media regarding e.g. incorrectness in an article builds to an extent that it see a need to comment on it, it would always claim it was not due to a lie (wanting to lie) but only due to a mistake or that it was taken from a news agency (in other words ”false” news but not ”falsified” news).
    However, considering the amount of ”false” news the mainstream media publish (often from news agencies under their control) it is very hard to believe that most of it are not in reality ”falsified” news (on purpose).
