Moderate Muslims Cannot Save Us, Dr. Bill Warner

Moderate Muslims Cannot Save Us, Dr. Bill Warner

It is frequently said that moderate Muslims can solve the problem of jihad and terror. Everyone has met nice Muslims, some of whom are willing to admit that Islam has problems and may even say that Islamic State is bad. Moderate Muslims are nice people who come to interfaith events, interviews and talks at schools and churches. Moderate Muslims even tell us that they are the real victim, not the Kafir.

Here is the problem – Islam cannot be changed by anybody, moderate or not. Islam is the civilizational doctrine found in the Koran, Sira and Hadith. Nobody can change the Sunna and the Koran. Their words are eternal, perfect and universal. Nobody can change Islam. It is fixed and frozen by its unalterable doctrine.

What we call moderation is simply ignoring the violence and hate. But the jihad cannot be removed, it can only be denied by ignoring it. A moderate has the same Allah and Mohammed that a jihadist has.

Moderate Islam is Islam light, Islam ignored. Islam changes Muslims; Muslims can only choose not to practice the dark side of Islam, but they cannot change it or get rid of it. Islamic doctrine is fixed, eternal, unchangeable and forever.

6 thoughts on “Moderate Muslims Cannot Save Us, Dr. Bill Warner

  1. OT och jag ber om ursäkt för min okunnighet. Jag vet inte vart jag skall vända mig för att få skriva på listan för att bilda partiet Alternativ för Sverige eller för att gå med i partiet. Tacksam för upplysning. F.Ö anser jag att islam inte hör hemma i Sverige och att svenskar har rätt till ett eget land.

  2. The imams would have nothing in their hands if the apostasy law in Islam (death penalty for leaving or wanting to leave Islam) would be abolished (avskaffad).
    They rule with fear as their weapon.
