Åtta månader sedan terrorkriget började

UKRAINA. Putin började 2014 med Krim och Donbass, idag är det åtta månader sedan Ryssland invaderade Ukraina igen. Invasionen var inte ens ett krig utan Ryssland skulle befria Ukraina från nazister och den speciella militäroperationen beräknades ta 3-4 dagar. Några nazister har ryssarna inte hittat, i varje fall inte fler är vad som finns i Rysslands armé. Ukrainas regering är inte avsatt, vilket var ett av målen med invasionen och det Ukraina som skulle befrias försöker Ryssland bomba till grus.

Putinregregeringen har gång på gång demonstrerat för världen att man är ett gäng krigsförbrytare. Man har brutit mot minst tolv internationella och bilaterala avtal. Historiens dom över Kreml och dess medlöpare kommer att vara hård.

Förhoppningsvis har Europa lärt sig något av tidigare önsketänkande. Om Putin tar till kärnvapen förlorar alla, om inte är Ryssland chanslöst militärt, ekonomiskt, juridiskt och moraliskt.

Enligt internationell rätt är det inte tillåtet att militärt angripa ett annat land, däremot har alla länder rätten till självförsvar vid angrepp. – Ryssland bryter först och främst mot våldsförbudet, vilket finns specificerat i FN-stadgan, det står bortom allt tvivel. Ukraina har rätt till självförsvar på grund av den aggression som Ryssland nu utövar mot Ukraina. Ukraina har också rätt att begära hjälp från andra stater, och andra stater har rätt att hjälpa Ukraina.

FN-stadgan tillåter två undantag från våldsförbudet: självförsvar vid ett väpnat angrepp och efter beslut av FN:s säkerhetsråd. Förutom våldsförbudet i FN-stadgan bryter Ryssland också mot skyldigheten att lösa tvister på fredligt sätt.

Ryssland bryter mot Minsk-avtalet från 2014 och 2015 om Donetsk och Luhansk, slutet mellan Ukraina och Ryssland. Enligt avtalet ska Donetsk och Luhansk få självstyre inom Ukraina, men inte erkännas som egna stater, såsom Ryssland gjort.

Ryssland bryter också mot Budapestavtalet om säkerhetsgarantier från 1994 där Ukraina gav Ryssland sin mycket stora kärnvapenarsenal från Sovjettiden i utbyte mot billig gas och “säkerhetsgarantier mot hot eller våldsanvändning mot Ukrainas, territoriella integritet eller politiska oberoende”. Avtalet från 1994 gäller än. Ryssland har redan 2014 brutit mot det genom invasion och annektering av Krim och att lägga sig i och stödja separatisterna i Donbass.

Ryssland bryter mot Vänskapsavtalet mellan Ryssland och Ukraina 1997. Fördraget om vänskap, samarbete och partnerskap mellan Ukraina och Ryska federationen var ett avtal mellan Ukraina och Ryssland, undertecknat 1997, som fastställde principen om strategiskt partnerskap, erkännandet av befintliga gränsers okränkbarhet och respekt för territoriell integritet och ömsesidigt åtagande att inte använda sitt territorium för att skada varandras säkerhet. Fördraget hindrar Ukraina och Ryssland från att invadera varandras land respektive förklara krig. Då Ryssland bröt avtalet genom att ockupera Krim och östra delarna av Ukraina sade Ukraina upp avtalet 2018. 

Andra internationella överenskommelser som Ryssland bryter mot

Putin har målat in sig i ett hörn


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12 thoughts on “Åtta månader sedan terrorkriget började

  1. MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/.

    Russia is boosting production of all types of weapons
    from tanks and guns to high-precision missiles and drones, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday.

    ”The production of weapons and special equipment of all types is increasing manyfold: from tanks and guns to high-precision missiles and drones. Brace yourself!” he said on Telegram.

    The politician addressed Russia’s opponents and advised them not to hope that the country would run out of armaments.

    ”When reading enemy analyses, I have repeatedly come across allegations that Russia will soon run out of military equipment and widely-used weapons. Like, everything was used up. Don’t hold your breath,” he said.

    The official said that under orders from the commander-in-chief, Russian President Vladimir Putin, he traveled to Nizhny Tagil and inspected the production of tanks at the Uralvagonzavod corporation, the largest producer of armored vehicles in that area.

    According to Medvedev, discussions took place during the trip about the issues of accelerating shipments of equipment to the armed forces to use during the special military operation and fixing existing problems.

    ”The goal has been set for a scrupulous execution of the government’s defense contracts in all of its key parameters, prevention of disruptions in the supply of equipment,” he said. ”Attention has been drawn to the fact that all contractors could be held to account, including on criminal charges, and requests have been accepted for ministries and other agencies that are in charge of government contracts. Supervision over the execution will continue.”

  2. Is Europe running out of weapons?

    Critics claim Russia produces them faster
    “The Russian president may order weapons manufacturers to switch to 24-hour production,” Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur said

    October 24, 2022
    editor: REMIX NEWS
    author: iDNES.cz, Czech News Agency via: iDNES.cz

    The lack of weapons in the whole of Europe could present Ukraine’s allies with a difficult decision about continued support for Kyiv. These nations are also considering the risk of a Russian attack on them if their stockpiles run too low. As a result, some European countries are faced with the dilemma of whether to continue sending their weapons to Ukraine.
    The AP, for example, wrote on Sunday that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has burdened the already decimated weapons stocks not only in several smaller states but also in some larger NATO countries. The United States and other members of NATO have sent billions of dollars worth of arms and equipment to Ukraine; some allies have provided all of their Soviet-era weapons and are awaiting American replacements.
    However, some European countries may find it difficult to quickly replenish supplies, as they no longer have a strong defense sector that can quickly produce the needed weapons and ammunition. Many rely on the dominant U.S. defense industry, which has pushed out some competitors.
    Now, according to the AP, these countries face a dilemma: Should they continue to send their weapons stockpiles to Ukraine and potentially increase their own vulnerability to a possible Russian attack? Or should they keep what they have left to protect themselves, which may increase the likelihood of a Russian victory in Ukraine?
    After nearly eight months of intense fighting, European allies of Ukraine expect the war to continue for months, possibly years. At the same time, both sides are rapidly using up their weapons stockpiles. The victory may depend on who lasts longer, AP writes.
    Russia speeds up production, sent soldiers to factories
    European officials have said in comments or interviews that Russia cannot be allowed to win in Ukraine, and their support will continue. However, they emphasized that the issue of domestic defense weighs heavily on them all.
    “We guess that Russia will restore its capabilities sooner rather than later because the Russian president may order weapons manufacturers to switch to 24-hour production,” Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur said. According to him, Moscow sent some soldiers to factories instead of to the front.
    Russia has a track record of rebuilding its military to launch an invasion against its European neighbors every few years, Pevkur said, citing the 2008 war in Georgia, Russia’s 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, and now the large-scale invasion of Ukraine.
    Smaller countries, such as Lithuania, as well as some larger states, including Germany, are facing difficulties, AP noted.
    “The Bundeswehr’s resources are limited as is the case in other European countries,” the German Ministry of Defense stated. The ministry did not reveal details about its weapons stockpile but said it is working to eliminate gaps.
    Stockpiles are low because military spending has become a lower priority for many European countries since the end of the Cold War. American arms companies that applied for European orders also played another role in displacing domestic defense capabilities.
    “When the Norwegians use F-16 and F-35 fighters instead of Swedish Gripens, it affects the strength of the European defense market,” said Max Bergmann of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
    Late increases to defense spending
    The United States has long called on other NATO member states to increase their defense spending to 2 percent of GDP — a goal that most states have failed to meet. It was only after the Russian invasion that more European countries committed to significantly increasing defense spending to rapidly rebuild their militaries. In the meantime, they are sending a large part of what they have at their disposal to Ukraine.
    Estonia has given Ukraine the equivalent of one-third of its defense budget, Pevkur said. Norway has sent Ukraine more than 45 percent of its stockpile of howitzers, Slovenia almost 40 percent of its tanks, and the Czech Republic about 33 percent of its Salvo Rocket Launchers, according to the IfW institute in Kiel, Germany.
    Since February, the U.S. has earmarked more than $17.5 billion for arms and equipment for Ukraine, which raises questions among some members of Congress as to whether they, too, are taking too great a risk. The Pentagon does not provide data on its own stocks.
    The Washington-based Stimson Center estimates that the war in Ukraine has reduced the U.S. stockpile of Javelin anti-tank missiles by up to a third and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles by 25 percent. It has also put pressure on artillery stocks, as the M777 howitzer is no longer in production.
    Restoring weapons stockpiles and production capacity will be a long process, believes Tom Waldwyn of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. For some countries, he says, this may require more significant investment in infrastructure.
    “It will not be cheap. Inflation and supply chain instability have increased costs,” Waldwyn added.

  3. MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/.

    Moscow will raise the issue of Kiev’s preparation of a dirty bomb provocation in international forums, including the UN, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at a news conference following talks with Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Hissein Brahim Taha.

    ”We have also taken the necessary steps to raise this issue in international structures, first of all in the UN in New York, and today our representatives will do this hoping for an informed and professional discussion of the problems that we will touch upon,” he said, answering a question from TASS.

    The Russian top diplomat stressed that the Russian side had specific information about Ukrainian scientific institutions that possessed technologies capable of creating a dirty bomb. ”We have information, which we have double-checked through the appropriate channels, that this is not a groundless suspicion, that there are serious reasons to believe that such things could be planned. Sergey Shoigu [Russian Defense Minister] has agreed with some of his interlocutors to hold additional consultations on this topic at a professional level,” Lavrov said.

    According to him, Moscow is not surprised by the West’s media reaction to Kiev’s possible use of a dirty bomb. ”It goes in line with the unconditional support that the West gives to its protege [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky, indulging him in any Russophobic actions not only in the form of statements, but also in the form of shelling of civilian objects, killing civilians and much more,” the diplomat noted.

    Russian Defense Minister Sergeiy Shoigu on Sunday held telephone conversations with his counterparts: the UK’s Ben Wallace, France’s Sebastien Lecornu and Turkey’s Hulusi Akar. Shoigu conveyed to his colleagues concerns about Ukraine’s possible use of a dirty bomb. In addition, Shoigu spoke over the telephone with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin on Friday and Sunday. The Pentagon released a statement from the foreign ministries of the UK, the US and France saying that these countries did not consider Russian warnings about Kiev’s possible use of a so-called dirty bomb to be justified.

  4. Krigsförbrytelserna och förstörelsen av nationen Ukraina är den grövsta formen av ondska och djävulskap i nutid. Skurkarna i Kreml måste elimineras.

  5. Nu är det full fart på fascisterna igen. De vädrar morgonluft! Men arbetarklassen kommer ALDRIG att stå på fascismens sida. ALDRIG!

    Det sår som Fascist Ryssland med sin Fascist Tsar till ledare skapat i Ukraina kommer det att ta generationer att läka. Om det någonsin läker. Allt för att en mans ondska fick komma till ytan.

    Inbördeskriget i forna Jugoslavien är inte glömt i befolkningen och någon läkning av det såret är INTE att vänta.

      • Zelensky blev vald 2019 för att han lovade att stoppa inbördeskriget i Ukraina.
        Han ljög.
        Och det är en av anledningarna till varför Ryssland gick in i landet.

        Zelenskys CV som president är verkligen humor.


      • Gamling, ditt CV på bloggen kan man inte kalla humor. Det är en tragedi.

        Volodymyr Zelenskyj blev vald 2019 som du påstår sedan spricker det för dig som vanligt. Ryssland gick in i Ukraina 2014…

        Putin är en kriminell krigsförbrytare.

  6. Republicans may curtail US assistance to Ukraine

    On Wednesday, Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the Republican minority in the House of Representatives, said his party would revisit the US assistance to Ukraine, citing economic problems in the United States itself. Davyd Arakhamia, head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s People’s Servant party in Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, said he was shocked to hear McCarthy’s suggestions. He told the Financial Times: ”Just a few weeks ago, our delegation visited the US and had a meeting with McCarthy. We were assured that bipartisan support of Ukraine in its war with Russia will remain a top priority even if they win in the elections.”

    The Republicans do stand a chance of regaining the majority in both legislative chambers in the US midterm election slated for November 8, which could significantly hamper the work of Joe Biden’s Democrats. In a CNBC poll on Sunday, 48% of the respondents said they would vote for the Republicans, while 46% favored the Democrats.

    The Biden administration did not previously warn Kiev it would cut its military or other assistance to Ukraine in case of a Republican win, Politico reported. However, the Ukrainian leadership is well aware of such prospects. This is why Zelensky’s government has been lobbying its interests both among the Democrats and the Republicans – to guarantee aid to Ukraine even amid a protracted conflict or an intensified global recession, according to Politico.

    • Puttes terrorister kan ju alltid hoppas. Men vi ska inte underskatta att republikanerna tycker mindre om frihetshatande förtryckare som Putte än vad demokraterna gör, tovarish.

