Rysslands terrorbombningar fortsätter

UKRAINA. Ryssland har avfyrat fler än 30 robotar mot Ukraina, rapporteras med hänvisning till regeringsuppgifter. Flyglarmet ljuder i stora delar av Ukraina, enligt Reuters. Minst en person har dött och två har skadats i attacker mot Kiev, uppger borgmästaren som uppmanar boende i huvudstaden att ta skydd.

I Odessa, som ligger i södra Ukraina, har två energianläggningar träffats. Dessutom har två robotar upptäckts över regionen Mykolajiv guvernören Vitalij Kim. – Robotarna flyger genom ukrainskt territorium, minst två nordväst genom Mykolajivregionen, säger han på appen Telegram.

På grund av de befarade attackerna har strömmen i delar av Ukraina stängts av. Bland annat i Kyivregionen.

Ryssland ökar pressen i kampen om östra Donetskregionen. Samtidigt är de ukrainska styrkorna i underläge, rapporterar Reuters.

Trycket ökar i områdena kring Bachmut och Vuhledar och nu även i Donbass, kommenterar den ukrainska vice försvarsministern Hanna Maliar i ett Telegrammeddelande. Trots betydande förluster kastar Ryssland in ett betydande antal soldater och utrustning, fortsätter hon.

Men medan Ryssland har fördel i antal, är Ukrainas soldater trots allt överlägsna – och framförallt mer engagerade. ”Vägen till vår seger är svår”, tillade Hanna Mailar.

Ukraina erkänner reträtt från den hårt omstridda staden Soledar. Intensiva strider rasar om närliggande Bachmut.

En snabbt växande kyrkogård i en sydrysk by ger inblick i de fångar som kämpar – och dör – för Wagnergruppens fångarmé. Reuters

Vapenleveranserna från västvärlden är en ”direkt inblandning” i kriget. Ryssland anklagar västvärlden för att vara ”direkt inblandad” i kriget efter besluten att skicka stridsvagnar till Ukraina, skriver AFP.

Uttalandet kommer kort efter att Tyskland och USA meddelat att man kommer att förse Ukraina med stridsvagnar av typen Leopard 2 respektive M1 Abrams

”Europeiska huvudstäder och Washington kommer ständigt med uttalanden om att olika typer av vapenleveranser, inklusive stridsvagnar, inte på något sätt betyder att de är involverade i fientligheter. Vi håller inte alls med om det”, lyder ett uttalande från Kreml.

-Pettersson undrar om Putin, Lavrov, Peskov och de andra krigsförbrytarna inte förstod klarspråk. När Putin samlade trupper vid Ukrainas gräns för ett år sedan gjordes klart att om Ryssland invaderar Ukraina så kommer väst att hjälpa Ukraina på alla möjliga sätt utom med soldater på Ukrainas mark. Putin ljög då om att någon invasion inte var aktuell, de ryska trupperna övade bara vid gränsen och de som påstod något annat var hysteriska.

Putin som Pinocchio av Bruce MacKinnon


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18 thoughts on “Rysslands terrorbombningar fortsätter

  1. Russian Troops Personnel Losses For January 25 Increase By 780 To 123,860 Killed, Equipment – By 2 Aircraft, 1 Helicopter And 14 Tanks

    Таня Герасимова

    The losses of Russian troops on January 25 increased by 780 to 123,860 killed, and the Ukrainian defenders destroyed 2 aircraft, 1 helicopter and 14 tanks last day.

    The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced this on Facebook, Ukrainian News Agency reports.

    The enemy lost 2 aircraft per day (292 in total), 1 helicopter (total – 282), 14 tanks (total – 3,175), 27 armored fighting vehicles (total – 6,334), 15 artillery systems (total – 2,169), 2 units of rocket artillery (total – 452), 19 units of vehicles and tank trucks (total – 4,986), 1 unit of special equipment (total – 195) and 6 drones (total – 1,908).

    Since the beginning of the war, the enemy has also lost 220 air defense systems, 749 cruise missiles and 18 ships/boats.

    As Ukrainian News Agency earlier reported, the losses of personnel of Russian troops on January 24 increased by 910 to 123,080 killed, equipment – by 1 plane and 23 armored vehicles.

  2. Russian tank captain Aleksei Ukhachev, speaking in a Moskovsky Komsomolets magazine article, tore into Kremlin leadership for sending him and his crews to war aboard vehicles grossly vulnerable to high tech missiles like U.S.-made Javelin and the Swedish/British NLAW.

    Both hand-held weapons, the missiles’ ”fire-and-forget” firing systems enable the shooter to press a trigger and hide immediately, as the munition flies itself to the target and attacks the tank’s roof, where the armor is thinnest.

    Ukhachev said in the May 28 article that: ”We welded grates on top of our tanks, but we wound up removing them. In the first place the grates cause problems: the machine gun won’t rotate, antennae get caught up in the grate, then the radio burns out and you have no communications”.

    On the battlefield, it turned out, the grates – dubbed ”cope cages” by military observers in Europe and America, and ”BBQ grills (мангали)” by the tankers themselves – didn’t stop the missiles.

    Even worse, Ukhachev added, if a crew needed to bail out of a tank with a cope cage on the roof, the metal grate trapped crewmen in the turret.

    The Russian military information platform Voenniy Osvedomitel came to the same conclusion in a Dec. 26 editorial: ”As predicted, this uneducated and stupid idea (cope cages), in combat conditions, turned out to be absolutely senseless …The tankers threw them out, and now these protective grates have disappeared.”

    ”There is a long history of tank crews adding things to their tanks, but very rarely has it turned into a net positive,” Nicholas Moran, former U.S. Army armor officer and modern tank warfare historian, told Kyiv Post.

    Russian Missile Attack on Ukraine Power Grid Scores Limited Hits vs. Fierce Air Defenses
    Russian Missile Attack on Ukraine Power Grid Scores Limited Hits vs. Fierce Air Defenses
    Eleven people were killed during strikes on Thursday morning but 47 out of 55 rockets were shot down.
    ”Put simply, if the engineers who know a lot more about tank design and armor thought it wasn’t worth putting additional purpose-designed armor somewhere, it’s unlikely that whatever an inexperienced tank crew comes up with will prove to be a net benefit.”

    Another problem for Russian tankers in future battles is the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) . Ukrainian anti-tank gunners had been skilled for years thanks to practicing in fighting in Donbas from 2014-2021, and by the end of 2022 they were armed to the teeth with a dazzling array of anti-tank technology: precision-guided howitzer shells, mines scattered by artillery rockets, strike drones, wire-guided missiles launched from a pick-up truck, and artillery rockets able to hit a two meter wide target at ranges of up to 80 km.

    Ukraine’s home-grown Stuhna missile has proved to be just as effective and a lot cheaper ($30,000 vs. $100,000 for the American Javelin).

    All that firepower has added up.

    According to the Netherlands-based research group Oryx, the Russian military had by Dec. 30 suffered confirmed losses of 934 vehicles destroyed, 70 damaged, 60 abandoned and 529 captured in various states of repair by the Ukrainians.

    A neutral watch agency, Oryx accepts only confirmed evidence of a loss, usually a credible photograph of the written-off tank in question.

    According to official Ukrainian army kill claims as of Jan 1., Kyiv’s troops by all means over 2022 wrote off 3,031 Russian tanks.

    If accurate that loss count exceeded the total number of tanks the Kremlin had in the field – about 2,800 according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) – across the entire Russian army, from Poland to the Pacific Ocean, at the start of its current war on Ukraine.

    Russia’s ability to field replacement tanks looks grim.

    Russia’s main tank production facility, the Nizhny Tagil UralVagonZavod factory, even prior to the war was only capable of manufacturing or upgrading 20-30 modern standard tanks a month, Ukraine’s Defense Express magazine reported.

    Most advanced tank add-ons needed by UralVagonZavod, like the Sosna-U thermal site, are close to impossible to install because key sub-components are not produced in Russia, and Western sanctions ban import.

    Russia’s national tank reserve, alleged 8,000 vehicles at the start of the war, has since February fallen flat on its face. Russian state media have filed report after appalled report that thousands of tanks supposedly held in reserve in depots deep inside the country, had been looted to melt down the scrap metal of their hulls.

    In late March 2022 the commander of the 13th Guards Tank Regiment, according to Ukrainian intelligence reports, committed suicide after learning 90 percent of the tanks his unit was supposed to go to war with were, in fact, rusted hulks.

    By June, Russia, the country with theoretically the most massive tank fleet in the world, was reduced to sending a reported 41 refurbished T-62 tanks originally intended for export to Africa, to shore up the Kherson sector in southern Ukraine.

    By October of last year the Ukrainians had overrun Kherson and by their own count captured or destroyed at least 38 of the mostly obsolete T-62s.

    Russia’s top-end T-14 Armata tank, touted by the Kremlin as a world-beating weapon superior to anything NATO is likely to field in the next decade, has driven across Red Square in multiple parades but, even Moscow supporters point out, has yet to set tread on a Ukrainian battlefield and is unlikely to any time soon.

    ”Rostex (Russia’s central arms manufacturer) has stolen all the money from tank production, nobody is going to build them, and as far as advanced technologies, it’s not possible in conditions of sanctions,” wrote pro-Russia activist Anatoly Shariy, a multi-million follower blogger in Ukraine and Russia both, in a Dec. 23 comment.

    Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyev on Dec. 25 aired a report on state television showing the giant Armata being put through their paces in crew training.

    Solovyev hinted they soon might be fighting in Ukraine, but Shariy suggested the report was faked and that hapless Russian tankers will, as before, be left by Russian high command on their own, without Armata tanks or any other modern counters to NATO weaponry.

    The latest make-do surfaced on Ukrainian media on Dec. 24: a Russian tank crew was photographed with steel weights looted from a John Deer tractor hung on the side of a T-80 tank as hopeful extra flank protection.

    Moran said that, even with the anti-tank arsenal that the AFU’s has, drones overhead are probably a Russian tanker’s single biggest future headache: ”I would expect to see an increase in ancillary technologies like counter-drone. It is that which is hurting Russia more than the actual tank design itself.”

    Ukrainian drone operators agreed.

    ”The real problem for tanks is they break,” private combat drone developer Vadym Yunik told Kyiv Post in an interview. His volunteer group, Aerorozvidka, is one of the biggest suppliers of crowd-sourced drone tech to the Ukrainian military, delivering commercial drones, some modified to carry grenades or anti-tank rounds, directly to AFU infantry.

    ”In this war, anything that sits still is vulnerable,” Yunik said. ”The only way to be safe is not to be seen, and if you are seen to move away fast…tanks are easy to find with a drone and one that isn’t moving is pretty easy to hit with a munition…you can drop a grenade down a hatch or blow off a tread.”

    Screen grab from a Russian state television news report claiming that the Kremlin’s latest and heaviest tank, the T-14 Armata, will soon see action in Ukraine.Kremlin critics and independent military observers have said the deployment is unlikely because the tank is too heavy and expensive for Moscow’s generals to want to use it, and also because the Russian arms industry is almost certainly incapable of manufacturing replacements. Screen grab from Twitter @TaurenQ

    Screen grab from Russia state television report on Russia’s key UralVagonZavod tank factory.

    Due to Western sanctions production capacity has reportedly been around 20-30 vehicles a month, roughly one tenth the pace Russia has lost tanks to Ukraine’s military in the war so far.

    Screen grab from an article in Defense Express dated Nov. 23, 2022.

    The above two images posted on the Voina – Ukraina Rossiya Bakhmut Telegram channel on Dec. 28.

    According to the site, some Russian tankers are hanging steel counterweights looted from John Deere harvesters on their vehicles, as additional protection against Ukrainian attacks from the side. The tank pictured is a T-80.

    Russian tank with a cope cage, destroyed in Ukraine. Source: Wikipedia

    Russian T-72B tanks equipped with post-market cope cages. Undated, Krasnodar Region, Voenny Osvedomitel news platform.

    Screen grab from the Russian Federation state propaganda site SolovyevLive Dec. 25 news video reporting that Russia’s most advanced tank, the T-14 Armata, is ”heading to the West”.

    Military analysts say the 55-ton vehicle would likely defeat most Ukrainian tanks in a face-to-face slugout, but would, like all other heavy weapons in the Russo-Ukraine war, be mostly vulnerable to missile ambushes and artillery strikes.

    Russian government critics have claimed the report was fake news.

    • Att du orkar Håkan. Du vet lika väl som alla andra att Putin förbjudit det fria ordet i Ryssland och att TASS därför bara får publicera lögner som Putin hittat på.

      Hur mycket får du betalt av ryssarna för att sprida deras lögner?

  3. MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/.
    Russian forces continued their offensive operations in the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas over the past day during the special military operation in Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Thursday.

    ”In the southern Donetsk and Zaporozhye areas, units of the eastern battlegroup continued offensive operations and inflicted damage on the enemy by firepower in areas near the settlements of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Pavlovka and Levadnoye in the Zaporozhye Region,” the spokesman said.
    The enemy’s losses in those areas in the past 24 hours amounted to 60 Ukrainian personnel, three armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks, the general specified.
    Russian artillery struck amassed manpower of two Ukrainian army brigades in the Kharkov Region and the Lugansk People’s Republic, eliminating over 20 enemy troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”In the Kupyansk area, artillery of the western battlegroup inflicted damage by firepower on amassed personnel of the Ukrainian army’s 14th and 92nd mechanized brigades in areas near the settlements of Sinkovka and Timkovka in the Kharkov Region and Novosyolovskoye in the Lugansk People’s Republic,” the spokesman said.
    The strikes eliminated enemy manpower and equipment, the general said.
    ”Over 20 Ukrainian troops, an armored combat vehicle, a pickup truck and a D-20 howitzer were destroyed,” Konashenkov reported.
    Russian forces struck two Ukrainian army brigades in the Krasny Liman area, killing and wounding about 70 militants and destroying four American M777 howitzers over the past day, he said.
    ”In the Krasny Liman direction, operational-tactical, army aviation aircraft and artillery of the central battlegroup struck units of the Ukrainian army’s 25th airborne and 95th air assault brigades near the community of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic and in the area of the Serebryansky forestry,” the spokesman said.
    The enemy lost as many as 70 personnel killed and wounded, two armored combat vehicles and four US-made M777 howitzers in that area over the past 24 hours, the general specified.
    Russian forces gained more advantageous positions in their Donetsk advance, eliminating over 40 Ukrainian troops in the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”In the Donetsk direction, units of the southern battlegroup took more advantageous frontiers and positions in their offensive operations. In the area of the settlement of Konstantinovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, a Ukrainian artillery ammunition depot was wiped out,” the spokesman said.
    In the past 24 hours, Russian forces destroyed over 40 Ukrainian troops, an infantry fighting vehicle, two Grad multiple rocket launchers, a US-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery gun, two D-20 and Giatsint-B howitzers, and also a US-manufactured AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radar in that area, the general specified.
    Russian forces destroyed two US-made radar stations and four howitzers in the Kherson area over the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”In the Kherson area, three D-20 howitzers, a Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and also two US-made AN/TPQ-37 and AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery radars were destroyed in the counter-battery warfare,” the spokesman said.
    Russian forces also destroyed four Ukrainian ammunition depots in areas near the settlements of Dudchany and Tokarevka in the Kherson Region and Chervonogrigorovka in the Dnepropetrovsk Region, the general added.
    Russian fighter aircraft shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 plane near the community of Andreyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic,” the spokesman said.
    Russian forces destroyed a radar of a Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the Nikolayev Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”In the past 24 hours, operational-tactical aircraft, missile troops and artillery of the Russian group of forces struck 83 artillery units at firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 119 areas. They destroyed a radar station of an S-300 surface-to-air missile system in the area of the city of Ochakov in the Nikolayev Region,” the spokesman said.
    Russian forces destroyed two Ukrainian army fuel storage sites and three artillery ammunition depots in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Zaporozhye Region over the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”In the areas of the communities of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Chervonoye and Kantserovka in the Zaporozhye Region, two sites storing fuel for military equipment and three artillery ammunition depots of the Ukrainian army were destroyed,” the spokesman said.
    Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane near Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past day, Konashenkov reported.
    ”Russian air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 aircraft near the community of Ugledar in the Donetsk People’s Republic. They also destroyed eight Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in areas near the settlements of Kremennaya, Zhitlovka and Novokrasnyanka in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Nikolskoye in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novoprokopovka and Dorozhnyanka in the Zaporozhye Region,” the spokesman said.
    In the past 24 hours, Russian air defense systems intercepted seven Olkha, Uragan and HIMARS rockets near the communities of Kremennaya in the Lugansk People’s Republic, Kuibyshevo and Valeryanovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Novouspenovka in the Zaporozhye Region and Chaplinka in the Kherson Region, the general said.
    In addition, a US HARM anti-radiation missile was shot down near the community of Kostogryzovo in the Kherson Region, Konashenkov reported.
    In all, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 379 Ukrainian warplanes, 204 helicopters, 2,956 unmanned aerial vehicles, 402 surface-to-air missile systems, 7,634 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 990 multiple rocket launchers, 3,921 field artillery guns and mortars and 8,180 special military motor vehicles since the start of the special military operation, the general specified.

  4. Bara 30 st ? Det är drygt en tredjedel av vad orcherna använt som värst. Börjar det damma i Mordors förråd ?

  5. Men Puttrik tycks lida av glömska, för Västvärlden gör precis som dom lovade från början att inte delta med soldater i kriget men att före Ukraina med vapen

  6. Vänta bara tills Ukraina får fram sina förstärkningsvapen,då blir dom pulveriserade
    samtliga angripare,då är det bäst att Putte gömmer sig i sin grotta,för han kommer
    att jagas av hela västvärlden utom av hans kommunistkompisar.Jävla uslingar.

  7. Gud nåde för att kritisera Putin.Då glöder det i nedåttummarna.Se på bilden.Grav efter grav efter grav med män som fick sluta sina liv i förtid helt i onödan för att pygmen i Ryssland har Napoleonkomplex….

  8. Rysslands vidriga aggression måste med alla tillbuds stående medel stoppas. Sen har dom en gigantisk räkning att betala för den materiella förstörelsen. Och sen skadestånd till alla offer för deras mord och terror.

    • Om ger upp inför Putin och låter honom göra vad han vill i Ukraina så kommer han fortsätta, och andra terrorstater kommer att gå i Putins fotspår. Då får vi ett tredje världskrig!

      • Det hat alltid varit onda imperier och alltid har dom mislyckats att ta över världen, EFTERSOM imperiets trupper blir för uttunnade när de försöker hålla andra länder (tillräckligt) nedtryckta OCH det är dyrt att försöka behålla dessa ovilliga länder (tillräckligt) ockuperade.

        Ukrainas BNB per person var endast en tredjedel av ryssarnas BNB, så att försöket att behålla Ukraina hade bara gjort genomsnitt ryssen fattigare. Tänk vilken lotterivinsst det våre för somalierna om till exempel Sverige skulle ta över deras land och lagstifta att Somalien skulle bli ett av Sveriges län och därför varenda somalier hade rätt till svensk social bidrag.

        Nej, Ukraina-kriget handlar främst om (nato)politik och inte om ekonomiska erövringar – som det brukar vara när USA attakerar olika oljeländer.

  9. Och varför den onda fasist-nazist-hitler-mao-amin-pol pot-idi amin-saddam-djävul-putin Putin inte terrorbombar ukrainare med kärnvapen. Är han så ond och djävylisk att han helt enkelt vill förlänga oskyldiga ukrainares lidande?

    Föresten, såg ni inte i går hur länge Zelenskis tacksamhet för pansarna varade. Två timmar senare var det nya krav som fyllte TVn. Nu vill han ha F16 samt apache och tiger helikoptrar och missiler till alla flygande saker och ting.

    Så, krigshetsarna var så goda och börja leverera. Jag väntar på den kommande atomkrig. Desto snabbare den kommer desto kortare blir kriget.

    • Granne från öst, om du vill leva ditt liv på knä under fascismen så rekommenderar jag dig att flytta. Fascist Ryssland behöver fler att skicka i döden för sina imperialistiska ambitioner. Om inte detta verkar attraktivt nog finns ju alltid islamist Iran. Då kan ju frugan din få gå i burka och du kan misshandla henne precis som du vill.

      • Ingen fascism här, fast vidare österut demokratin verkar vara döende. Jag har föreslagit att kanske borde ryssarna tänla på att ta livet av deras nuvarande härskare; dom som har fört dem till kriget. Ändå, det som nu händer mellan ryssar och halv-ryssar i någon genomkorrupt urfattigt land är inte min sak, inte mer än konflikten mellan Yemen och Saudi-Arabien eller konflikten mellan palestinier och israeler eller någon annan konflikt mellan vilka som helst shithole-länder i världen.

        Efter kriget blir det alltid fred och fred är bättre än krig. Desto mer utomstoende hjälper till att underblåsa kriget destå längre den varar och desto destruktivare blir den.

    • Granne från öst, ÄR DET VERKLIGEN FRED VI VILL HA TILL VARJE TÄNKBART PRIS? Vem vill leva som slav under det fascist ryska oket?

      • Slaveri är jättedåligt, men krig är det värsta som kan hända till landet och dess invandrare. En slav kan bli fri och ockupationen kan ta slut men en död och radioaktivt land förblir livlös.

        Detta krig orsakar enormt lidande, hundratusentals döda och miljontals skadade samt leder till etnisk rensning av ukrainare från stora delar av Ukraina.

        Fred är bra för männikorna, staterna och mänskligheten. Krig har alltid funnits, men vi fredsförespråkare har nästan alltid haft rätt… till slut. Fred ser oftast inte ut som rättvis, men en dag det måste det bli fred också i Ukraina.

        Tyvärr en stor del av helt vanliga människor kan hjärntvättas och har redan blivit hjärntvättade av den ständiga krigspropagandan som alla medier (incl. herr Petterssons) basunerar ut.

        Samtidigt, har alla fredsföresprokare har blivit tystade. Till exempel du kommer inte att höra ett piip i dom stora medier om USAs före detta presidentens förnyade krav för fredshandlingar och vilka ideer om fredslösningar han har. I princip han säjer exaxt det samma som jag säjer om dessa senaste tankleveransser:


        Och det är endast alternativmedier som raporterar om detta i väst.


  10. Fascist Rysslands ondska och illdåd överraskar INTE!!!

    Fascist Ryssland är och förblir en terrorstat med eller utan Putler!

    Vem kommer att vilja ha något att göra med dem i framtiden? Kina, Iran, Syrien, Nord Korea, Etiopien, ……och kanske några fler. STILIGT GÄNG DE KOMMER ATT VARA TILLSAMMANS MED!

    Hatet från ukrainarna som överlever kommer att bestå i generationer. Likaså kommer befolkningarna som gränsar till Fascist Ryssland att tänka sig för.

    Så går det när man när imperialistiska idrömmar om sin egen storhet och ser sig som ”UBERMENCH”.i likhet med originalet Hitler.


Lämna ett svar till HubertusAvbryt svar