Nytt Rekord- 56 år sedan ….

Bob Dylan anklagades för sexuellt övergrepp mot tjej, 12, på 1960 -talet.

En kvinna anklagar sångaren och låtskrivaren för att ha trakasserat henne när hon var barn och sa att hans handlingar var ”rovdjur, sexuella och olagliga”.

Hon påstår att den nu, 80-åringa Dylan, gav henne att dricka och droger innan han sexuellt misshandlade henne under sex veckor i april och maj 1965. LÄNK

6 thoughts on “Nytt Rekord- 56 år sedan ….

  1. Typiskt #meetoo-fantasier. Efter 56 år prövar man att sätta åt Dillon. TJEJEN BORDE PÅMINNAS OM ATT FALSK ANKLAGELSE OFTA ÄR MER STRAFFBART ÄN NORMALT STRAFF FÖR BROTTET.

  2. ”The now 68-year-old alleged victim, who is only identified with the initials “J.C.,” says the abuse involved liquor and drugs. TMZ describes it this way: “he plied her with booze and drugs before sexually abusing her inside his swanky Chelsea Hotel apartment way back in the day.”

    But it’s the timeline that doesn’t appear to add up. According to the suit, this all happened during a six-week period in April and May of 1965 in New York City, but it is well-documented that Dylan was in England from late April to early June in 1965 and not in New York for much of April.

    On April 26, 1965, Dylan arrived in London and did a press conference. Throughout the rest of April and all of May, he was in England for a series of concerts. Fansites offer detailed calendars of Dylan’s whereabouts at the time, as do other sources easily found online.

    Dylan’s whereabouts are also recorded for much of April, which show him not in New York, where the alleged abuse is supposed to have happened, but on the West Coast and Canada. On April 3, he performed in Berkeley, CA. On April 9, he performed in Vancouver, BC. Finally, on April 23 and 24, he performed in Portland and Seattle, respectively.

    So there’s all this documentation that blows a giant hole in this horrific allegation. Still, no one in the media bothered to dig around a little bit before reporting the allegations, and now an 81-year-old man is watching his personal legacy smeared in the worst possible way when the allegations are almost certainly false.

    The way the lawsuit was filed is just as obscene. For two years, right up until Friday, New York suspended the statute of limitations and allowed anyone to file a childhood abuse claim, no matter how old. There is an excellent reason for statute of limitation laws. One of them is to prevent something like this. This is the second suit against Dylan since he sold his catalog for $300 million last year. The first one had to do with songwriting royalties and was tossed out.” (breibart.com)

    Det är en hygglig princip bland civiliserade människor att hellre fria 10 skyldiga än fälla en oskyldig. Det som inte var brott när det hände ska inte heller betraktas som brott. Påstådda händelser som blivit preskriberade ska fortsättningsvis vara det. Ni kan gissa vilket politiskt parti som styr delstaten New York.

  3. Finns snart inget som förvånar en längre.
    I feminismens och jämställdhetensnamn så ska alla män hållas ansvariga för sådant som kanske har hänt eller som kanske kan hända, utan att några bevis behöver presenteras


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