What is good and what is bad?

We for sure all have very different opinions on that but I think a clear majority of Europeans can agree on a few ”good” basic values, e.g.:

  • The separation of religion and state (rules and regulations should be changeable and not fixed by doctrine)
  • Equality in front of the law
  • Equality of genders (not talking about undeniable biological differences)
  • That color of skin, hair and eye color is not what counts but how one behaves

Clearly, ”bad” would then be what opposes the above.

No culture or ideology can be considered ”good” in all aspects, but Europeans as well and others have all the right to defend their basic ”good” values. If arguments based on facts speak for these values they should by no means be compromised.

The most effective way of defending these ”good” values is a sensitive immigration policy. However, this is not what we have seen during the last decades.

When I in discussions sometime stress this often people are eager to justify the behavior of others that clearly don’t share these basic ”good” European values by pointing ”on other bad things”. However, one bad thing cannot be used to justify another bad thing.

As we know Japan, which I have visited twice and have relatives and friends living or have lived in, follows a complete different immigration policy than western countries.

This is also something I have mentioned a couple of times in discussions, pointing to the other extreme.

Incorrectly one or the other person then got (or wanted to get) the impression that I am 100% positive to the immigration policy of Japan as well as everything else around the Japanese culture but that is definitely not the case.

We have read in alternative media about women in e.g. Scandinavia that colored their hair black to lower the risk of being raped. I can understand them but this is clearly not solving the underlying problem.

Also not solving the underlying problem is wanting to stop the discussion by pointing on something else that is to be considered ”bad”, if equally bad or not is here not the main issue (this story ”of course” also to be found in main-stream media):

Japanese girl says school forced her to dye hair black; sues Osaka gov’t

One must be able/allowed to promote or criticize (discuss) any aspect of any culture because they are not equal. Freedom of religion is never to be allowed to be a protection from any criticism for all times, since then we are denying facts and impose double standards.

4 thoughts on “What is good and what is bad?

  1. Det kan diskuteras, verkligen, om ovanstående är gott eller ont. Det är bara för att vi ser så stereotypt, att vi tror att ovanstående är det enda. Men se vad ovanstående, har lett fram till för samhälle. Hur bra är det egentligen med all skit. Det är kontentan, och resultatet av det som ovan anses som gott. Jag medger att det är svårt att tänka sig, men det finns annat bra mycket bättre att bygga på, som skulle bli ett toppensamhälle tror jag 🙂 , istället för detta hemska förfall och fördärv.

  2. Islam’s resp. Mohammedaner’s våldsamhet försvaras ju ofta genom att nämna korstågen.
    Dock ett par skillnader:
    – Korstågen hade inte förankring i nya testamentet (den kristna läran)
    – De kan avses vara försvarskring efter århundranen av grymheter mot den icke muslimska befolkningen i regionen.
    – Väldigt begränsade i tid och rum jämfört med Islam. Framförallt ligger de mycket långt tillbaka i tiden, alltså inte likt Islam som plågar världen fram till idag.
    I vilket fall som helst att rättfärdiga hemskheter med andra hemskheter ur det förgångna är absurt och löser inga av dagens problem.
