Brigitte Gabriel: peaceful-majority-irrelevant

Brigitte Gabriel to Muslim Woman Who claims Majority of Muslims are Portrayed Badly: The Peaceful Majority are Irrelevant:

”We are not here to bash Muslims,” Gabriel continued. ”You were the one that brought up the issue about most Muslims, not us.”

”There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today,” she began. ”Of course, not all of them are radicals. A majority of them are peaceful people.”

What Brigitte Gabriel refers to as ”radicals,” this author refers to as Muslims. They are the ones that follow the teachings of Mohammed.

Of those that follow those teachings, Gabriel points out that their numbers are estimated to be between 15-25 percent of those 1.2 billion Muslims, according to intelligence sources around the world. That makes those that believe in jihad against the infidels, the destruction of Western civilization and taking over the world to be roughly 180 to 300 million people.

”That (the numbers of true Islamists) is as big as the United States,” thundered Gabriel. ”So why should we worry about the ’radicals,’ the 15-25 percent? Because it is the ’radicals’ that kill. Because it is the ’radicals’ that behead and massacre.”

”When you look throughout history… most Germans were peaceful,” she continued. ”Yet, the Nazis drove the agenda, and as a result 60 million were killed (in World War II). Almost 14 million in concentration camps, six million were Jews. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.”

She then went on to recount Russia, pointing out that once again, the majority of them were ”peaceful,” and once again, the peaceful majority were irrelevant as Russia exterminated 20 million people.

The same things occurred in China, where 70 million people were killed, even though the vast majority of Chinese were peaceful people.

Japan acted in a similar manner across eastern Asia, killing 12 million people. Yet, in all of these instances, the peaceful majority were irrelevant. In fact, many of them were the ones slain.

She then pointed out that on September 11, 2001 that America had 2.1 million Muslims in America and it only took 19 of them (who I might add were still in the country illegally) to attack America. Once again, the peaceful majority were irrelevant.

Full article:

Brigitte Gabriel to Muslim Woman Who claims Majority of Muslims are Portrayed Badly: The Peaceful Majority are Irrelevant

P.S. The number of Muslims/Mohammedans in the world today ought to be close to 2 billions.

6 thoughts on “Brigitte Gabriel: peaceful-majority-irrelevant

  1. Du är en naiv idiot. Du är antagligen PK eller muslim, båda två lika enfaldiga. Jag lär mig genom livet, inte genom att läsa din lögnaktiga propaganda. Min yngsta dotter arbetar på Socialförvaltningen och hon träffar dagligen på muslimer, eftersom de flesta missar i det här landet lever på bidrag. Flera av dem sympatiserar med IS, och gör det helt öppet inför bidragshandläggarna på förvaltningen och skryter om sina muslimska släktingar som slåss för IS och därmed ögat islam. Det är du lille patetiska nolla som behöver vakna upp. Gabrielle är en hjältinna.

    • Tyckte att iejasmines eller vad hon hette hade rätt. Anser också att
      det är CIA som skapat hypen IS.
