Telling the truth about Islam

Telling the truth about Islam can mean that you loose your job but eventually also your family and/or life.

Because of that almost all who would like to speak out about the reality keep quiet.
However, this ”strategy” is not smart nor acceptable because in the mean time the problems grow in number and size.

Just hoping to be the one not to be hit by e.g. crime and look away and often actively denying the reality is morally corrupt:
”First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out –
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out –
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out –
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.”

We all have to ask ourselves:
”Don’t think about tomorrow because tomorrow never comes.”
”Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow because yesterday is gone.”

Clearly it is not enough to think but action is required, start to speak out about the reality and stop denying it.
Then very import is to strengthen the back of politicians/activists/media (also economically) that do speak out and of real (not quiet) apostates that risk their lives.

No part of the world is free as long as free speech is not protected actively with efficient means.



5 thoughts on “Telling the truth about Islam

  1. Försökte att lyssna på den här figuren och hans förklaringar , måste erkänna att jag hoppade i klippet…..varför jo för att jag VET att de muslimerna är ännu värre efter fjärde och femte generationen som föds i Västerländer !
    Kanske någon som har mer tålamod än vad jag har, håll till godo !

  2. Vi får dagligen och stundligen så kolossalt många sorgliga bevis på att islam INTE passar in i Europa och värst drabbat är Sverige !
    Rakt upp och ner ……jag trivs inte med islam inpå knutarna och definitivt inte i mitt dagliga liv, vilket Sveriges politiska etablissemang tvingar på mig och andra som aldrig har förordat denna politik !
    Marxister !
    Ni styr eländet, hoppas att det slår tillbaka !

  3. True, Hedenhös! Only in Sweden you don’t need to write ”keep quiet” one, two or three hundred times. The rule is unconditionally accepted and embraced by hearing or reading it only once.
